*** Please note that pink carnations and purple carnations could be replaced by other flowers which are similar tones with them. If you specially request the carnations, please write a note for us at the check out page. Thank you.
In this enchanting bouquet, the ethereal beauty of lilac roses takes center stage, their delicate petals unfurling like whispers of poetry amidst a sea of purple hues. Nestled alongside, soft pink blooms blush with gentle elegance, their tender tones weaving a tale of grace and romance. Interspersed throughout, lush purple flowers lend depth and richness, their regal presence adding a touch of majesty to the ensemble. Sprigs of lavender and hints of magenta accentuate the composition, infusing it with a captivating allure. Bound together with satin ribbon in shades of lavender and blush, this bouquet is a symphony of colors, a testament to the joy and celebration of life's most precious moments.
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